For all the people out there who enjoy new found products or love to hear about them; you have come to the right place! Every year we vow to bring you a list of our favorite products that have altered our lives and enriched that little part of us that says," I have got to get one of those!" So sit back and relax as we start the countdown for "Matt and Sheree's Favorite Products for 2009!!!"
Sunday, February 1, 2009
#3 - Dr. Mario by WII Ware
For all you WII gamers out there; this is a must have! Remember back in the day when the original NES gaming system was all the fad? Don't lie...."up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start "..LOL...only you gamers would understand, anyways, WII has revised the old school version of the beloved game,"DR.Mario!" It can be downloaded to your WII console via the shopping channel on the we main menu screen. To even take it a step further; the fine folks @ Nintendo have added the feature of meeting your family and friends online (via the WII console) to enhance your gaming pleasure. The new Dr. Mario is so cool. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and for us, it brings back childhood memories that can now be shared with our kids...(ok..maybe that's a stretch..LOL). You have just got to experience the new age of Dr.'s fun for the whole family!