For all the people out there who enjoy new found products or love to hear about them; you have come to the right place! Every year we vow to bring you a list of our favorite products that have altered our lives and enriched that little part of us that says," I have got to get one of those!" So sit back and relax as we start the countdown for "Matt and Sheree's Favorite Products for 2009!!!"

Sunday, February 1, 2009

#10 - Sesame Street Sofa

Dylan got this awesome kid-sized sofa for Christmas and he really loves it! He drags it from room to room. It's perfect he mostly sits on it couch-style and occasionally opens it up when he is tired and takes a little nap. It is just the right size. This product has been out for a while and was an extra little gift from Santa. I would recommend this product to any one who is searching for small child size seating; get one of this instead of a boring chair.

#9 - Tinted Moisturizer by Smashbox

OK- So this is definitely a must have product in my cosmetics bag! I am not good at the whole daily moisturizing routine and this makes life a little easier for me. It's a tinted moisturizer from "Smashbox". I apply it as a foundation when I put on my make-up and it not only works as a base product for total skin coverage, it also works as a moisturizer! Think that's great, it also is a sunblock SPF 15..Yippee! This is like a grand-slam, out of the park, kind of a product for me!!! I want to run out right now and go straight to the nearest make-up counter at Macy's!!!

#8 - Buddies - Sudzing Bar

This is a two in one bath product. Johnson & Johnson company has come out with this really neat idea. They have merged the bath cloth and bar of soap into an all-in-one product. At an inexpensive price you can have the luxury of not having to wash extra bath cloths by using this product. I found it on the baby aisle for Dylan but, I must confess I have my own bar in another scent!

#7 - Small Electronics Charging Station

I should of really took before and after shots of out kitchen counter top before I told you about this product. Our cell phone, camera, etc. cords use to be all over the place and there was never enough outlets handy for both mine and Matt's gadgets and the toaster to be plugged in. We found a great remedy; this awesome charging station. With all of the cords neatly coming out in the right labeled areas, we have never before been this organized with our charging habits.On the back side of the station there is a opening for a power supply strip. So now , we only take up one outlet and the toaster and any other device, can have its very own outlet when needed without the hassle of unplugging (and getting frustrated over why my phone didn't charge, because I thought it was plugged in the oulet-LOL) at any given time!

#6 - No. 2 Spray

All I really have to say is ...a couple a sprays in the bowl before you go...and no one will ever know!!! LOL

#5 - First Juice Sippy Top Bottles

I came across this product one day and it has come in very handy for us. It is a bottle of juice with a spill/leak proof top. Perfect for when you forget the sippy cup or bottle at home. It comes in all kinds of nutritious, fruits and veggies which is perfect for sneaking into the little ones diet. First Juice are not the ordinary , apple, orange or grape. Just to name one, they offer Blueberry+Purple Carrot (yes there is such thing as purple carrot)! I normally keep a bottle of this in the diaper bag.

#4 - Rinse & Roll Bib

This is a spiffy bib that is designed to catch food that has missed your child's mouth. It doesn't take up a lot of room in the diaper bag and it wipes off clean very easily. I stick it the dishwasher for a good cleaning every couple of meals. The best more stinky/stained bibs laying around. This bib grows with your child from baby to toddler. It's awesome!

#3 - Dr. Mario by WII Ware

For all you WII gamers out there; this is a must have! Remember back in the day when the original NES gaming system was all the fad? Don't lie...."up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start "..LOL...only you gamers would understand, anyways, WII has revised the old school version of the beloved game,"DR.Mario!" It can be downloaded to your WII console via the shopping channel on the we main menu screen. To even take it a step further; the fine folks @ Nintendo have added the feature of meeting your family and friends online (via the WII console) to enhance your gaming pleasure. The new Dr. Mario is so cool. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and for us, it brings back childhood memories that can now be shared with our kids...(ok..maybe that's a stretch..LOL). You have just got to experience the new age of Dr.'s fun for the whole family!

#2 - CUT-N-SEAL by Pampered Chefs

This is a old product that has been on the market for a while but we discovered it this year and have come to love it. On day while I was in conversation with a neighbor, I told her how Dylan loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but he made a mess. I told her how he would take the bread apart and smear it all over the place, but afterwards he would devour the entire sandwich and that we had resorted to the "Smuckers Uncrustables" from the freezer section. Wow, they are soooo overpriced. Anyways, she told me about the inexpensive CUT-N-SEAL tool that she had once gotten at a pampered chefs party for her toddler (who is now, like 18 years old) and how to this day it is still a favorite item in her kitchen. I went online (EBAY) and found a brand new CUT-N-SEAL tool. I was like a child at Christmas when it arrived in the mail, LOL! Now we make a bunch of sandwiches at once and freeze them. It's easy...make the sandwich like the tool on top and press down. It seals the sandwich like a pocket. The savings is amazing when you compare it to the overpriced "Smuckers Uncrustables" from the freezer section. I know what you are thinking...."What do you do with all the crust that has been removed?" Easy..I make croutons...bread pudding...etc. the excess crust never goes to waste and the recipe possibilities are endless. You can make grilled cheese sandwichs and just pop them in the microwave. Pretty much anything is good with this tool, even making homemade pastries. I really love this tool and the savings we have achieved with it!

#1 - Zune by Microsoft

I believe we had this product for nearly a year before it ever came out of the box. Somewhere along the way Matt won it as a door prize. It wasn't until fall when I asked Matt to help me keep an eye out for a kid friendly DVD player for Dylan that he informed me of the Zune's capabilities. With this product you can download tons of movies, music and pictures for easy viewing and listening pleasure. So we bought Dylan the fisher price toddler earphones and this product became out new best friend. Anytime Dylan gets restless while I am shopping or we are out to dinner, I simply say," Would you like to watch a movie?" His face lights up every time!!! They sell rubber sleeves for the Zune too; so if he drops it (already happened numerous times) it doesn't damage. It's fun...other moms in the stores/malls are always stopping and asking me where they can get one for their kid. Fisher Price does make a "Kid Tough Portable DVD player" and it is about the same price as the Zune. It's screen is the same size as the Zune but, it is very big and bulky and can only play DVDs. The Zune is about the size of wallet, so it easily fits into a pocket or handbag. Also, with the Zune it has a awesome battery life. We plug it in our charging station (SEE PRODUCT REVIEW #7) every now and then, just to keep it charged to it's full potential. The best part (and I saved this for last) is the locking feature. Once I get his movie started, and put it in lock mode, Dylan can't stop and start the movie or turn off the device. I highly recommend this product to ANYONE!!!